a feeling so raw and real that words can hardly do it justice. but thankfully we have some pretty eloquent participants that can explain what TubClub™️ has meant to them.
here are some of the unedited - unfiltered - uneqivocally real reviews from some of our dope community members


I started going to Tub Club after hearing about cold exposure and wanting to learn the benefits while also being supported by others who have done it before. Having a high stress job and just generally being an anxious person, daily stressors and worries started to take a toll on my health. Cold exposure has significantly helped me learn how to respond to those daily stressors.
It really can be scary and uncomfortable at first, but being surrounded by such friendly and encouraging people helped me to reach 6 minutes during my first sit! I never could’ve done that just trying it for the first time alone. Tub Club has inspired me to develop my own cold exposure practice at home, but I still go to the gatherings regularly just to see everybodys’ smiling faces 😄


I initially had never heard of cold plunges or Wim Hof. I then moved to my new house where I would see a group of people next door to me in the middle of winter in bathing suits getting into a tub outside in freezing temperatures. Intrigued, I eventually introduced myself and began this new journey with the tub club.
When I first started it was just a handful of people getting together weekly. It has now grown to a fantastic community with 20+ folks gathering on a weekly basis.
For me, the breathing helps calm me and I have incorporated it into my weekly routine. The cold plunge experience is always difficult but I feel proud and accomplished to break through the initial shock to where my body can sit meditatively in the freezing water. I feel rejuvenated and random aches and pains seemingly lessen.
It has been a great experience for multiple reasons but I truly enjoy meeting a cool group of people from all over the area with common goals.


Tub club has helped cultivate a greater sense of strength and connectedness through breath work, ice/cold exposure and community. I would highly recommend if you are open and willing to learn more about yourself surrounded by amazing people!!


I’m going to focus specifically on Pittsburgh Tub Club without delving into a lengthy discussion about the benefits of ice baths or cold exposure. If you’re interested in learning more about ice baths, there are plenty of resources available online. I suggest researching ‘The Wim Hof Method.’ Regarding my personal experience, I began cold exposure therapy and the Wim Hof breathing method in 2020 during my weight loss journey. I was significantly overweight and experiencing rapid weight loss, which made it challenging for my body to maintain warmth. Consequently, I incorporated cold exposure therapy to increase my tolerance to the cold. However, the results surpassed my expectations. Not only was I able to regulate my body temperature more effectively, but I also noticed a substantial decrease in anxiety and an overall improvement in my mood.
In November 2022, I discovered Pittsburgh Tub Club on Instagram. Already having some experience with the Wim Hof method and cold exposure therapy, I joined the club to further develop my practice. The experienced members at Tub Club have significantly contributed to my growth. I have found them to be exceptionally supportive and empowering. I have never felt pressured to overexert myself or engage in any activities that could be harmful. However, they have encouraged me to overcome my personal obstacles. The people at Pittsburgh Tub Club are not only extremely friendly and kind but also the most interesting, diverse, and eclectic group I have ever encountered. I can honestly say that I’ve never had a dull conversation at Tub Club.
In summary, Pittsburgh Tub Club has played an integral role in my cold exposure journey. Through their guidance and the welcoming environment they foster, I have experienced significant improvements in my well-being and personal development.


Pittsburgh Tub Club is the warm community I had been looking for since moving to Pittsburgh in 2020 at the start of the pandemic. My first day at Tub Club was almost exactly 3 years after moving here, and in just a few hours I had a community I had been trying to find for so long.
There’s something very special about a group of people intentionally challenging themselves beyond the typical challenges of lifting weights, running, or excelling in work or school. All of those are great, but the sense of camaraderie and cohesion amongst this group is felt in minutes of meeting those who show up. A feeling that takes months if not years to build in those other places of challenging yourself. Is f*cking HARD to get into ice water, and even harder to do it on a consistent basis – this community understands and embraces that physical and mental challenge week after week, creating space for those new and experienced to expand.
After 3 months of taking one ice bath a week at Tub Club (which has given me the courage to end every shower with cold water), I can confidently say I am far more capable of handling unexpected changes or challenges throughout my work days, things that previously would have left me feeling flustered and overwhelmed now may startle me initially, but I can stay focused enough to work through them efficiently.
Sitting with myself in freezing water forced me to learn how to calm my mind, to talk myself out of the negative thoughts that come up over and over again. That practice carries over into day to day life and has allowed me to be more productive with my time as I talk myself out of giving up on a hard task and saving it for later, or pushing off longer projects until later in the week, or avoiding difficult conversations with clients or coworkers.
For anyone looking to build community, resilience, and feel proud of yourself – Pittsburgh Tub Club is the place for you, you’ll be welcomed with (so many) open arms and warm smiles week after week.


Came for the ice bath, stayed for the community.
One chilly evening in April I cautiously approached waisenhaus park for my first public ice bath. Cautious because for as long as I had watched the stories of this amazing community, social anxiety was kicking my arse.
Thankfully my life wife Dino Jessie had agreed to meet me and that was the only reason I was brave enough. (The people were scarier than the ice at this point.) Upon entering the park—J and I were greeted by Eric, Mike and Tyler.. OG tubbies and founders.
Social anxiety also dictated that we show up 10 min early so we were some of the first few to gather.
As people trickled in, helped set up, lots of introductions were made. This desire for safe space, for newbies to be welcomed and seen was one of my first impressions of tub club. The ice bath itself was chilly but amazing. Tyler sat outside the tub but stayed with wifey and I and helped us focus on our breathing. Many surrounded us to cheer us on and help with the distractions. Both of us sitting longer than we imagined. This beautiful reset.
I can’t describe the euphoria of that first sit. How clear my brain felt afterwards (saying a lot for this ADHD neuro-spicy.) How full my heart was.
The ice bath itself is incredible. It’s helped me come back to myself, to regulate, to breathe… especially in the hard. Lower anxiety, better focus, better body awareness are just a few of the benefits I’ve noticed regularly.
The thing beyond the ice bath—the increíble humans—are a huge part of why I drive an hour there every week. People, intentionally showing up for themselves and for others. A desire to include and celebrate all. Weirdos loving weirdos. This is my community, this is my family. This is safe space. I could ice bath from anywhere but I’m glad it’s Waisenhaus. Endlessly grateful for these beautious beings and can’t believe how much my life has improved since that first frigid dip.


Listen, I thought the idea of an ice bath was insane too. I HATE being cold… my winter attire includes a parka that goes clear down to my ankles.
Despite this, last year when I started hearing about all the benefits of cold exposure I was intrigued and curious if I would be able to make it through an ice sit. My husband, always ahead of the trends, had already been doing ice baths intermittently for a few years so I tagged along with him to a Wednesday night tub club to test it out. Tyler helped me out by letting me know what to expect beforehand and coached me through breathing passed the initial shock.
As it turns out, I could handle it (three minutes of it that time!). I was able to prove to the nagging little voice in my head that I am not weak and I CAN do hard things. For me, that is the biggest benefit of cold exposure and a big part of what keeps me coming back every week. Another big part of what keeps me coming back is the beautiful, supportive community that keeps growing every week.
Sitting in a tub full of ice for any amount of time is hard (even if you do it every week), but the people you’re doing it with make all the difference and these are some of the best!


I started coming to tub club about a year or so ago and I’ve watch the core four (Eric, Mike, Mitch, Tyler), build this community by cultivate a egoless space through welcoming and supportive energy. It is very magnetic.
A lot of what cold plunging can offer can’t be measured on paper, it’s just to be experienced. The benefits of the mind, body connection adds year to ones life. It’s one of those experiences that you would want for everyone that you care about. It really feels that powerful.
What proceeds after the cold plunge are where the benefits is experienced. The sleep the following nights and the energy throughout the following days. But the benefits that are felt that keep me coming back are those that are unmeasurable, like “inner peace”and “mental fortitude”. It’s a great addiction to have and seems to never get easier leading up to the initial sit.
It’s a privilege to connect with the many minds that have passed through tub club.

send us a message with nothing but the cold truth...
we truly appreciate everyone’s experience and honor the personal triumphs that TubClub™️ helps to foster. spread the positive vibes and good word by letting us know how your own experience has been and if/how icey adventures have been beneficial. thank you!